What is Direct Donate?
When faced with sales-oriented fundraising programs of candy bars, popcorn, wrapping paper, and cookie-dough, parents often ask, "Can I just make a donation?" Direct Donate is your chance to do that!
What do the donations pay for?
Your support pays helps the PTO fund:
Online learning subscriptions (IXL, Pebble Go, etc.).
Supply each teacher with $125 for classroom supplies.
Provide funding for field trips.
Organize and fund events like Back to School Night, Carnival & more!
Support our staff with food and treats throughout the year to say thank you.
Provide additional grants for teachers and scholarships for graduating seniors.
Will there be other fundraisers?
The PTO's main fundraiser is it's Live & Silent Auction that is held in the Spring. PTO also receives some funding through our Restaurant Nights or Sponsorships. Building the Direct Donate Fund will help the PTO build it's programs and do even more for the students, staff and families of Stilwell.
How much do I give?
Obviously, what ever you feel and are able to give at this time is very much appreciated.
Here are some suggested amounts:
$15 provides snacks for one student for holiday class parties
$20 provides field trips for one student
$100 provides school supplies for one teacher
$500 provides a scholarship for a graduating senior that attended Stilwell
You can make an annual tax-deductible donation online or write a check to Stilwell Elementary PTO and leave with the front office or give to a PTO Officer. All donations are accepted, including company match programs, click HERE to see if your company is eligible.