Back to School Bash   Coffee & Kleenexes   Direct Donate   Carnival

What better way to kick off the start of school than a party with your friends.


Back to School bash is hosted at the school grounds and includes entertainment for all. It’s a great chance for students to see friends they’ve missed over the summer and gear up for an amazing school year!




For kindergarten families after the first full day drop off. Come have coffee and snacks at a host’s home to distract yourself from getting too sad about your baby growing up.


A great way to meet the parents of your kindergartener’s classmates too!


Our Direct Donate Campaign is a chance for families to give directly to the PTO without having to do sell trash bags, wrapping and cookie dough.


We know everyone is busy so we want to make it easy!




The most funniest day of the year, and one that every student looks forward to!


The Stilwell Carnival is an all-school celebration that is hosted on school grounds and features a ton of games and activities for students to enjoy.

Class Parties   VIP Lunch   Donuts & Dudes   Family Movie Night

Halloween, Winter and Valentine’s parties are hosted through the PTO Room Parents. K-2 will do a craft, snack and games, while 3-5 will do a snack, community service project and games.


These afternoons are some of the best memories for students and parents!




Students can invite their Grandparents or another


to join them for this special lunch!


Students can bring their dads, grandfathers, uncles, big brothers, or any special men to join them for donuts, juice, coffee, and morning chatter!


The more the merrier!


Come to a PTO hosted family movie night, where you can bring chairs and blankets to enjoy a student body appointed movie selection for free!

Book Fair   Daughter Dance   Auction   FLASH Class

Stilwell hosts two Scholastic Book Fairs: Spring and Fall. Both are held in the Library.


Students get to attend the book fair with their class but may also attend the fair before and after school with parent permission. Evening options may also be available.


An event for our sweet Mustang girlies. Bring your dad, male caregiver or a special mustang dude in your life to dance, have sweets and sip on punch!


Planned and coordinated by the PTO Auction Committee, the Auction is by far Stilwell’s largest fundraiser of the year.


It's an adult only night that includes a live auction, silent auction items, and a chance to visit with old and new friends.


One Friday a month, during the school year, teachers host a limited amount of students who pay to stay at school 4PM-8PM! Hello, date night.


Students will play games, have pizza for dinner, enjoy a dessert and watch a movie before parents pick them up at the front doors. A student favorite!



Sons Event   Kindergarten Round Up   Muffins With Me   Field Day

Calling all mustang boy students! Bring your mom, female caregiver or a special woman in your life for a special night out and have some fun! 


Held in the spring, Kindergarten Round-Up provides a chance for incoming Kindergarten families to meet our Principal, Kindergarten Teachers, and other incoming families.


This event is hosted by Stilwell Staff in conjunction with PTO.


Students can bring their moms, grandmothers, aunts, big sisters, or any special women to join them for muffins, juice, coffee, and morning chatter.


The more the merrier!


Lace up your favorite tennis shoes for another student-favorite! Field day is an outdoor, all-day event where each grade has a chance to participate in many games and activities.


Field Day is hosted by the school in conjunction with PTO support and volunteers.



    Community Clean Up Day   5th Grade Farewell    


Help us keep Stilwell looking great by attending one of our Community Clean Up Days held in the fall and spring. This is a chance to get you and your students hands dirty for a good cause! 

A celebration is planned every year to celebrate the graduating 5th graders.


This event is hosted by Stilwell staff in conjunction with the PTO 5th Grade Farewell Chairs.




Grants   Staff Appreciation   Spirit Dining Nights

As one of the PTO’s largest budget line items, we award grants to teachers to help provide additional supplies and classroom aides to ensure Stilwell students are getting the best

education possible.



Coordinated by our fearless room parents and Staff Appreciation Co-Chairs, this week offers our families the opportunity to show our appreciation for our amazing Stilwell teachers. Look for details from your room parent.


Let us make your weeknight shuffle a bit easier. Several nights over the school year, local restaurants host a Stilwell Night where a portion of proceeds from their sales are donated to the PTO to support Stilwell programming.

Room Parent   Mustang Men   Spirit Wear  

Room Parents support classroom teacher's by managing party sign-ups, scheduling classroom volunteers, etc.








 Volunteer opportunities for fathers, grandfathers, stepfathers, uncles and other father figures. Participate in a variety of school activities as assigned by the school principal or other administrator. Social activities are also available for the guys to get together and build community.



The Spirit Wear Chair creates a line-up of Stilwell gear, bearing our Stilwell name and mascot.


Spirit Wear is available at events throughout the year and through our online Spirit Wear shop.



School Supply Sales   HUG Fund   Work Room Volunteer  

Want to make back to school shopping easier? Order your school supplies through the PTO.


Orders are collected at the end of the school year before, and school supply kits will be waiting for your student at their desks in August.



Funded by the PTO, the HUG Fund provides our principal with the ability to assist families in need so their children can have the same positive school experience as their peers. 






Volunteer at your convivence. Volunteers are able to sign up to assist with teacher provided jobs such as copying, sorting, cutting, tracing, updating bulletin boards, or tasks of a similar nature.

This support is a huge help that frees Stilwell teacher time to focus on Stilwell Students.


Help your student remember their years at Stilwell by purchasing a yearbook. Families are encouraged to submit pictures for the yearbook to help make it the best one yet!