Daughters' Dance

To signup you must either login or provide a first name, last name, and email address. Login

You should have access to this email account and be able to receive emails related to this volunteering opportunity.

It's funny, but robots don't seem to be able to do simple math.
Daughters' Dance

Select sign up and save to help make the night sparkle with warmth and joy.

Create a festive vibe to fuel spirited fun
February 1 | 4:00pm-6:00pm
1 out of 5 filled.
Signed Up: Amanda Waters

Sweeten the memories by serving punch and cookies
February 1 | 6:00pm-8:00pm
1 out of 2 filled.
Signed Up: Amanda Waters

Clean up
Tidy away the traces of a night well-celebrated
February 1 | 8:00pm-9:00pm
0 out of 2 filled.