PTO Executive Board Positions


PTO President

The President provides support to all other Exec members, develops and implements the PTO activities calendar and is the voice of the board.


In addition to monthly PTO meetings, the President meets with Stilwell Principal monthly to discuss school business and upcoming events. The president helps manage the inquiries/responses for the mustangs@stilwellpto email. 


This position is a two year commitment: one year as President-elect and one as active president. We ask that you are available a third year to act as a Past President/Advisor. 



PTO President-Elect

The purpose of the President-Elect is to shadow the current President. They also provide support to the Exec board members and are vital in helping to recruit and select the follow year's Exec Board.


The President-Elect also serves as our BVEF Representative.


This role involves tracking and managing all Stilwell PTO transactions, fulfilling check requests, PTO reimbursements and providing budget reporting to the Exec board




This role involves attending and recording all business, discussion and voting outcomes at PTO meetings and sending to the PTO.

VP Fundraising

This VP role helps oversee committee chairs for many of fundraising efforts that support vital Stilwell programming and provide support to the committee chairs for the following: 

  • Auction
  • Community Partnerships/Restaurant Nights
  • Spirit Wear
  • Direct Donate

VP Events

This role is dedicated to help overseeing all the PTO events and provide necessary support to the committee chairs managing them. Committees under this role: 

  • Back to School
  • 5th Grade Farewell
  • Holiday Contests
  • Muffins with Me
  • Donuts & Dudes
  • Big/Little Events
  • VIP Lunch
  • Family Movie Night
  • Carnival


VP community relations

This position is dedicated to engaging PTO membership, facilitating programs that help reach out to new and returning parents, and supporting communities that build Stilwell's community. This role oversees the following committees:

  • Community Service
  • Mustang Men
  • Volunteer Coordinator
  • Membership Engagement
  • Staff Appreciation
  • Social Media Coordinator
  • Student Enrichment
  • Communications
  • Outdoor Committee

vp educational enhancement

This position helps support things in happening in the classroom. This role oversees the following committees:

  • School Supplies
  • Room Parent Coordinator
  • Food Allergy & Sensitivity
  • Yearbook
  • Parent Trainings
  • Staff Liaison
  • Chat & Chew