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Originally delivered on 7/19/2024 10:00 am

SUBJECT: MidSummer Mustang Roundup: 7/17/2024

Midweek Mustang Roundup

Hi ,

I hope you are having the best summer! You haven't heard from me in a while so I wanted to send a quick message to make sure you are up to date on a few things before school starts on August 13th! 

Have a great rest of the summer and reach out if you have any questions! 

2024-2025 Board & Chair Social

Incoming 2024-2025 PTO Board & Chairs are welcome to join us to kick off the year at Serendipity Winery July 21st from 3PM-5PM. This is a great chance to meet some new people and get excited for the year ahead! 

Please RSVP if you can make it!

Don't Forget to Enroll

Elementary school registration for the 2024-25 school year is open and online now for current students. Registration is required annually and is the time to update your students information and pay fees. Completing registration confirms that your child will attend school in August. 

Please pass this information/link on to neighbors who might not have a student in the system or didn't attend our roundup in the spring.

Enrollment numbers determine how many sections/teachers we will have for each grade level. The sooner we receive your registration, the better. 

School Supplies

If you ordered school supplies through us they will be ready in your students classroom on Back to School Night August 12th. 

If you are purchasing supplies from the store, here is the LIST

For Questions, please contact Allison Galbraith:

Purchase Your PTO Membership

Don't forget, each year you need to renew or purchase a new membership to be an official PTO Member. You can learn more about memberships and renew on our website.

Membership Pricing: General Membership $20/Staff $5

Membership includes: 

  • 10% off Mustang Spirit Store Coupon (NEW)
  • Online directory access
  • Ability to hold a Board or Chair position
  • Voting rights (1 vote per membership) at meetings. 


New Fee on Credit Card Orders - Starting Aug 1st

Starting August 1, 2024a 2.79% +$0.30 per transaction fee will be added to all credit card payments made online to help offset our processing costs. This amount is not more than we pay in fees. To give you an idea, FLASH Class will now be $41.42 instead of $40.

We love the convenience of everyone paying online but last year we saw our processing fees more than triple. We would much rather use our funds to do something great for the students, staff, and families of Stilwell! 

If you prefer to pay by check or cash to avoid this fee, please reach out to and we'll get you setup. 

Thank you for understanding! 

Join Us

It may be summer but remember all the fun times you had last school year? Whether it was stuffing your face with donuts and muffins, going back to buy one more carnival raffle ticket because you knew you were going win, baking pies or cookies for our staff, outbidding your friends on auction items or spending a couple hours cleaning up the school yard. It was a great year and it took a lot of wonderful people to make it all happen.

We are still looking to fill a handful of spots on the PTO to ensure we can make all these great memories happen this school year. So, if events, raising money for the school, supporting staff, working behind the scenes or meeting the best people is your thing, we want YOU! Don't worry, nothing scary here! 

Open Spots

Auction Co-Chairs & Committee Members

Direct Donate Co-Chair

5th Grade Farewell Co-Chair

VIP Lunch Co-Chair

Carnival Committee

Staff Appreciation Committee


Outdoor Committee Co-Chair

If any of these scream your name sign up HERE or curious and have more questions, email us and we can see what would be the best fit for you! You never know, you just may love being part of the PTO! 

No experience necessary.  

Same Place - New Look

If you haven't been to lately, we encourage you to go check it out. You'll find lots of great information about events and resources to make sure you know everything that is happening. 

This will be your place for spirit wear, classroom donations, direct donate, event sign ups and more! 

If you have any questions or we missed anything, please let us know! 

Subscribe To Our Calendar

Save time entering all the event dates, meeting dates and days off school by subscribing to our calendars! We've done the hard work for you. Plus, if anything changes, it will update for you! 


Let's be friends! Stay connected on Facebook and Instagram!

Our Mission

 To support and strengthen the highest quality education of children at Stilwell Elementary by fostering relationships among the school, parents/guardians, and teachers; promoting a sense of support, pride, and enthusiasm at Stilwell Elementary.

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